Tenue de Grande Loge GLFMW 18 septembre

Notre plus ancien partenaire, GLFMW (Grand Lodge For Men and Women), partenaire de GLEF, composant d'origine de GLEFU, nous invite à sa tenue de Grande Loge annuelle.
Rappellons que notre partenaire GLFMW était présent et actif au convent 2016.
Si vous souhaitez y participer, prière de contacter le secrétaire officiel de GLEFU Gerard R. secretaire@glefu.org qui vous donnera toutes les indications pour participer.

18 septembre 2016

Voici leur programme :

To Celebrate the future

You are invited/called to attend a meeting of the 62nd Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications Meeting to be held in the Temple at the above address on Sunday 18th September 2016 at 2.30pm.

On this occasion all members are invited to attend this special Meeting which includes Entered Apprentices, Fellowcraft and Master Masons. It is obligatory for Grand Officers, Past Masters, W.Ms, Wardens, Grand Stewards and Grand Charity Stewards to attend Grand Lodge Meetings.
(Dress regalia to be worn)
Ladies: Black trouser suit or black skirt, white blouse and black jacket.
Gentlemen: Dark suit, white shirt, black tie.
E.As, F.C. and M.Ms wear Craft Regalia.

Fraternally, in faith and fidelity,
Jea. E.M.H., PGM/Grand Secretary

Order of the Day

1. Grand Master and Grand Officers process into the Temple.
2. To Open the Grand Lodge.
3. Welcome by the Grand Master.
4. Announcement of the passing to the G.L.E. R.W.Bro. Alma Betty Open, PDGM.
5. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Grand Lodge Meeting held on 24th April 2016 and the Solstice meeting held on the 26th June 2016, previously circulated.
6. Oration “The History of the past and the challenge to the future” speaker.The Founder, M.W.Bro.Jea. H., PGM.
7. Young Masons of our Lodges unfold “A meaning of the work of the Officers of the Craft Lodge”
W.M. - Lodge Salutation
S.W. - Lodge Golden Spiral
J.W. - Lodge Radiant Star
S.D. - Lodge Phoenix
J.D. - Lodge Golden Spiral
I.G. - Lodge Arbor Vitae (F.C.)
8. Hymn – King Solomon Built our Temple.
9. Grand Master epilogue.
10. To receive reports from the W.Ms on the work of their Lodge.
11. To circulate the Bag of Charity
12. To Close the Grand Lodge
13. The Grand Master and Grand Officers will process from the Temple.

Refreshments of tea/coffee and biscuits will be available following the close of the Meeting.
Please indicate on the attached paper if you wish to stay. Cost £1.00p.